1.We bought an Rpod camper and I decided to put it on Airbnb when we aren’t using it. It has been a fantastic experience! The people have been courteous and friendly. I realized that it also filled a need I had to meet travelers and find out where they’re going and why.
I highly recommend hosting! Do you have something you can rent?
2. A Movie I’m really looking forward to seeing.
Did you grow up with Mister Rogers too? I did. And he was light in the darkness.
3.Whether you believe in climate change or not this is pretty cool. This is just one of the many reasons I am ga ga over trees.
4.Have you ever felt like you weren’t doing anything right, this is a great piece on how even the masters had a lot of failures, they just aren’t focused on as much as their success. Something to think about, huh?
5. My favorite Poet, right now.Mary Oliver has been my favorite since I was introduced to her a couple decades ago, but one read of this Hafiz poem and you’ll see why I’ve switched.
If you like anything I mentioned let me know!
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