My Favorite Things this Month

My Favorite Things this Month

1.We bought an Rpod camper and I decided to put it on Airbnb when we aren’t using it. It has been a fantastic experience! The people have been courteous and friendly. I realized that it also filled a need I had to meet travelers and find out where they’re going and why.

I highly recommend hosting! Do you have something you can rent?

2. A Movie I’m really looking forward to seeing.

Did you grow up with Mister Rogers too? I did. And he was light in the darkness.

3.Whether you believe in climate change or not this is pretty cool. This is just one of the many reasons I am ga ga over trees.

4.Have you ever felt like you weren’t doing anything right, this is a great piece on how even the masters had a lot of failures, they just aren’t focused on as much as their success. Something to think about, huh?

5. My favorite Poet, right now.Mary Oliver has been my favorite since I was introduced to her a couple decades ago, but one read of this Hafiz poem and you’ll see why I’ve switched.

If you like anything I mentioned let me know!

Have you been trying to feel supported by God, but just don’t? Try this.

Have you been trying to feel supported by God, but just don’t? Try this.

The word God has all kinds of negative connotations for me and many others.                         

I like many others, had a rough childhood. Where was God when I was getting needlessly beaten? Where was God when i was getting molested day after day? Definitely not helping me.

So I teetered between thinking I must be some kind of awful person that God didn’t find worthy of helping or that there plum just wasn’t a God.

So the idea that I can pray and receive help or guidance has always been laughable to me. Those that feel loved and supported by God, also felt that from someone in their childhood.

And at the same time, because I spend so much time in nature, I was certain there was a source of continuous well being. I felt it in tree chants and the mountain streams calls. I saw it in every wild animal I encountered, and every mountain I climbed. There was something that loved me and every living thing.

There was a goodness that pervades all natural things.  I just couldn’t feel it so well when I was in civilization living my daily life.

I have flittered in and out of depression for most of my adult life. People would tell me, let go, pray, ask God for help. But the underlying belief stayed with me. “Why would God help me now, he/she didn’t help me when I was an innocent child?”

But what I realized a few days ago was that it was the word God that was tripping me up.

I grew up in a church where we had to be perfect or God’s wrath would come and condemn me to hell.

Not someone I wanted to put much faith in.

But I can put faith in the well being I feel from trees, from the perfection of a mountain pass, and a marmot trying to steal my food while I was eating by a mountain lake.

So I started contemplating using a different word. I thought of the word Well Being, that was what I felt. WB, I could pray to WB. But I also wanted it to be playful and not so serious. I just don’t think the person who created manatees is all that serious.

So the word WeeBee was born.

It helped.

It is much easier for me to ask WeeBee for help, and to feel WeeBee’s love than I was ever able to feeling God’s.

Have you had glimpses of that love, that well being? I sure hope so. If not, go sit on the ground next to a tree for awhile. The bigger the tree the better. There is wisdom wrapped within that bark.

And while you’re sitting there contemplate if the word God has bad connotations for you too.

If so, create another word.  I know WeeBee doesn’t care what you call the love and well-being that is in every atom of creation.

And you’re welcome to use WeeBee.