Connecting the thoughts
This is how I am striving to live my life right now, intentionally.
Some days look prettier than others.
I think we mostly live our lives unintentionally. They didn’t teach us in grade school the importance of living intentionally. We didn’t have an class on how to create things. That would have been fun though, wouldn’t it?
I think for most of us we can create little things we want. Like thinking of someone and them calling at that time. Or wanting a certain kind of car and then suddenly seeing them everywhere.
But it’s seems harder when there is something we want, really want, and we want it now!
Then we just want the big idea to come, the winning lottery numbers, the inspiration for the next google.
But I think it’s like learning to ride a bicycle. At first you are unsteady so you go slow. Then as you become more and more comfortable you go faster and faster, you start taking corners faster, maybe even doing jumps. But you have to work up to it.
It would be like driving down a two-lane country road at 45 mph, and then suddenly the car decides to start going 90 mph. For a race car driver, going fast around twisty roads would be nothing because they are use to, they have done it hundreds of times, they are comfortable with that level of speed. But for most of us, it would be scary (not just because the car took over driving!) and it’s more likely we would crash because we hadn’t worked our way up to being comfortable at that speed on a winding road.
But if we had worked up to driving 90 mph on country roads, gone a little faster each time we drove the road? Then it would be fun and exhilarating!
We always think we want to get to the next thing quickly. But what is the possibility that if you knew where the thoughts were taking you, you would go? There are times when we end up in a completely different place than we thought we were going, but we are happy to be there. Would you have wanted to know where you were going? Is it more exciting to go for a road trip and not know what the scenery is going to look like?
We have all heard people say ‘the joy is in the journey.’ And if you’re like me, you want to punch them in the face sometimes. But now I can see the journey is a necessary part of me being able to fully enjoy where I’m going, and not be like so many lottery winners and just loose all I had been given because I didn’t know how to handle it.
As we go towards our destination we get to learn and grow in so many ways. We get to meet new people, and learn new things about ourselves. And I really like that part.
And if the joy isn’t in the journey, then doesn’t life just end up being a bunch of unhappiness, peppered with joy?
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