Feeling God/Source in the Room 

What would happen if in all interactions you felt God/Source in the room with you?

When your interacting with someone you don’t particularly care for, what would happen if you pretended that you were seeing them through God’s eyes?

I tend to be scared of people and yet curious about people at the same time.

I am no good as a hermit because I am fascinated by all the different lenses from which people view life.

So it occurred to me one day that surely God/Source doesn’t see all these people as scary like I do. So what would happen if I started intentionally bringing God into the room?

It shifted everything. Conversations that were boring and tiring (I am an introvert parading as an extrovert) became interesting. I started feeling a deep connection with the people I was interacting with, even strangers.

Even in group settings, it shifts the interactions. I don’t know why, I have just witnessed it time and time again.

It’s very cool!

Give it a whirl if you feel so inspired!