Hi! Welcome to my site!
I’m an author, artist, and adventurer. I am an outdoor girl. I’m more comfortable deep in the woods miles from civilization than I am in town. The writings I share here are thoughts I have about everyday life, of learning to live more joyfully and have more satisfaction. I’m not consistent. I write only when I feel I have something to share. I share them because maybe you are going through something similar and something I say can spark an insight in you. If you want to be notified when I post something new, sign-up below. Thank you for reading!
My Favorite Things this Month
1.We bought an Rpod camper and I decided to put it on Airbnb when we aren't using it. It has been a fantastic experience! The people have been courteous and friendly. I realized that it also filled a need I had to meet travelers and find out where they're...
Have you been trying to feel supported by God, but just don’t? Try this.
The word God has all kinds of negative connotations for me and many others. I like many others, had a rough childhood. Where was God when I was getting needlessly beaten? Where was God when i was getting molested day after day?...
What I’m excited about this Week!
My first hummingbird of the season! I wish we could attach tiny cameras to these guys. They astound me with their toughness. Hummers migrate as much as 500 miles, and can weigh less than a penny! 2. The crocuses are up! We had such a...
I want to tell you a story. A story of the good people of this country
I want to tell you a story. A story of the good people of this country. How different beliefs and ways of life don't need to be an excuse not to be kind and compassionate towards fellow humans. My husband and I flew our Mooney airplane to...
To Retire or Not Retire, What’s REALLY the question?
To retire or not to retire, or What kind of experience in life do you want to have? Now a days everyone has this expectation that we are going to retire. We plan for it, we look forward to it, and we depend on our employer to contribute towards the...
The only True Fear
The only real fear is the fear that we can have everything we want. Did you know this? I have heard different people say it in various ways, but it was only a week or so ago that I felt it, that the truth of it made my cells feel spritely. We are told by...
Guilt or Appreciation
We all have a choice to feel guilt or appreciation. There is always going to be someone who has less than us, and there is always going to be someone who has more than us. Do you help a sick person by getting sick? The same goes for those that have less...
Pieces of Me
I originally wrote this to give as my Ice Breaker speech for Toastmasters. If you hear an accent, it's from Kentucky. Even though I haven't lived there for 28 years, it still rears it's southern-belle head. I am the only in my...
A friend posted on her facebook post the other day about wearing a safety pin, to show that you are a safe person for everyone, that you respect everyone, no matter their beliefs. A person asked her if she could wear one, though she voted for Trump. There...
Really Noticing
The forested stream curved beside us as we swashed through the shoulder high plants. I found myself just noticing, "plant with razor-edged leaf, spike of purple protruding from stalk, wood across path, blade of green, light streaming through the trees,...
Giving, is it really the key to Happiness?
It seems to me that when people keep saying that giving is the key to happiness, they are missing the point, the real secret. We have been told ad nauseum to put others before ourselves. But as in the oxygen on the airplane scenario, we can't if we aren't...